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Woodlands Primary School

Woodlands Primary School

Learn, explore and
grow together



Welcome to EYFS

At Woodlands Primary School, in EYFS, we lay the foundations of the school’s vision of providing a rich and creative environment which inspires our pupils to learn.  Academic success is underpinned by our focus on happiness and confidence.  Our nurturing approach prepares children for the future: building foundations for them to become kind, resilient and valuable members of society.  

We strive to enhance curiosity within children, whilst developing a sense of individual challenge that encourages the children to be the best that they can be.

The teachers for Beech and Maple class, work closely together to ensure that all children are provided with the same opportunities in their learning.                                                         

Beech class is taught by Mrs K. Duffin ( and Mrs S. Buxton ( 

Maple are taught by Mrs A. Blackman ( and Mrs A. Gosling (

Mrs Fox, Mrs Mannering, Miss Young and Miss Schlaepfer are working across both classes in Reception.

Our curriculum is designed so that it lays the foundations for learning and promotes school readiness, exploring and deepening skills across a wide range of subjects, where children have clear opportunities to play and explore, become active learners and create and think critically. There are planned opportunities to develop skills from both the prime and specific areas of the EYFS curriculum, where children have the opportunity to learn, practise, rehearse and retain skills.

EYFS Curriculum

The EYFS curriculum at Woodlands is based on three core elements;

EYFS principles: There are 4 key principles which shape the Early Years practice. These are Unique child, positive relationships, enabling environments and learning and development, which all hold equal importance.

Characteristics of effective learning: Adults reflect on and adapt learning based on how best the individual children in their class learn using the three characteristics; playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically.

Educational Programmes: These are the statutory activities and experiences that make up each area of learning within the EYFS key stage, split into prime areas (Communication and language, Personal, social and emotional development and Physical development) and specific areas (Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the world and Expressive arts and design).

Continuous provision and enhancements

The EYFS environment lends itself to both continuous provision, providing resources that children can access without the support of an adult, and enhancements, where resources are linked to one particular theme, topic or idea and are continually updated and added to the environment. The theme, topic or idea is linked to the development of skills. (see progression of skills document)

How does this look within the setting?

Throughout the day, the children engage in two kinds of activities; teacher-directed and child-initiated learning. During teacher-directed learning time, the children are taught specific skills and introduced to key knowledge. Through the child-initiated learning time, the children are provided with ample opportunity to practise and rehearse the taught skills so that they can develop at their own pace and from their individual starting points. Adults skilfully question and develop the learning that the children choose to do for themselves.

Teacher-directed sessions include but not limited to: Early morning activities to support Fine motor skills, Beam, Write dance, Phonics, Literacy, Maths, Understanding the world and Expressive arts and design. It is through this time that key concepts are developed and a wide variety of subject areas are explored.

Child-initiated sessions are - self-chosen, planned learning and shared outcomes where children can practise skills through their own interests. Children have access to a range of areas within the setting to support their learning which includes both indoor and outdoor learning opportunities. The mud kitchen, running stream, forest school area, garden (including water and sand), loose part construction, reading area, balance and climbing equipment all lend themselves to open-ended learning opportunities.

By the end of the reception year, we envisage that our children are happy and confident children who have developed a love of lifelong learning, having made progress from their individual starting points. They are children who have the skills and foundations to face the excitement of the school years ahead of them.

General information

Uniform - Please make sure that all school uniform and PE kit is clearly labelled as it helps the children to identify their own belongings. 

Medication - Please let the school and your child's class teacher know if your child has any condition requiring medication, including allergies or asthma. If your child needs to be on a course of medication then please complete the relevant form which is kept in the school office and on the letters page of this website.