PE & Sport
At Woodlands, we believe that PE and sport should be competitive, challenging and fully inclusive. We want all of our children to thrive on success both as part of a team and as an individual, while also equipping them with the essential strategies needed to demonstrate great sportsmanship.
All children in KS1 and KS2 are provided with 2 hours of curriculum PE time a week, plus opportunities to engage in extra-curricular PE and sport. In addition to this, we encourage active playtimes and active lunchtimes to ensure every child is getting their recommended 60 minutes of activity per day.
Woodlands children are explicitly taught values related to sportsmanship in PE lessons, and are rewarded for demonstrating these values within PE lessons and sporting activities across the school. We refer to this as being a STRIVER:
Stick to the rules
Try your best
React in a considerate way
Inspire those around you
Value all players
Encourage others
Respect officials
Shake hands
The Daily Mile:
Every child at Woodlands participates in The Daily Mile. This is a simple initiative in which children across the school are encouraged to run or jog with their classmates for 10 minutes each day. Not only is this proven to have physical and mental health benefits, but it also improves focus in the classroom. Our Year 6 house captains have taken The Daily Mile as an opportunity to run class, year group and whole-school competitions and incentives to really get the children enthusiastic about their health. Please click here for further information about The Daily Mile.
PlayMaker/Sports Leaders Awards:
Upper Key Stage 2 children at Woodlands are offered the chance to gain vital leadership skills by participating in the PlayMaker/Sports Leader Awards.
The PlayMaker Award is a great way to introduce children to the idea of leadership. It gives learners knowledge of how to organise activities and small games to be used during curricular and extracurricular time.
PlayMaker Award participants will develop key leadership skills such as organisation, communication and teamwork. The award scheme will also help our children to build confidence and self-esteem as they take on the responsibility of assisting in leading their peers and younger children.
School Games Mark:
After another very successful year for PE & Sport at Woodlands, we have achieved the Gold School Games Mark for 4 years running. This mark is testament to Woodlands’ ongoing commitment to delivering high quality PE and consistently providing sporting opportunities throughout the year to all of our children.
For all information regarding the PE and Sport Premium Funding click here.