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Woodlands Primary School

Woodlands Primary School

Learn, explore and
grow together


Woodlands is a musical school which offers a rich and inviting music curriculum in music lessons as well as in the wider school. We value singing, composing, performing and musical appreciation with a clear progression using a variety of resources.

At Woodlands, music is incorporated into our learning from Reception.  We love to chant, sing and listen to music throughout the day. From Year 1 to Year 6, children have a weekly music lesson from a specialist music teacher. As part of this, for at least one term, children receive whole class instrumental teaching. We love to make links between topics and the music they are studying. Each year group has the joy of a visit from a professional musician who runs a workshop.  

In our wider school, we showcase our fantastic talents in a variety of ways.

Each year group has the opportunity to perform. Year R, Year 1 and Year 2 each perform a nativity, Year 3 perform a carol service, Year 4 perform a production at Easter time, Year 5 go to the O2 to perform with Young Voices and Year 6 perform War Songs in December and a musical production at the end of the year. These have included Matilda, Mary Poppins, The Jungle Book and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. On top of this, there is often a musical element to class assemblies, which are produced throughout the year. All performances are always keenly looked forward to and never fail to disappoint!

We have lots of opportunities for children to make music outside our weekly lessons. There are three choirs; Acorn for KS1, Junior Choir for years 3 and 4 and Senior Choir for years 5 and 6. We also have recorder clubs, an ocarina club, a guitar club, a band and a ukulele club.

Instrumental lessons can be organised through the school on violin, piano, woodwind, drums and guitar.  Children who are learning an instrument in and out of school showcase their talents at different times throughout the year, culminating in a celebration concert at the end of the school year. It’s amazing to see their talents progress.